For our english users, here is a list of the tables that are the most "user friendly" without knowing french.
Usefull translations :
- Savant = Scholar
- Alchimiste = Alchemist
- Bijoutier = Jeweler
- Sage
- Ouvrier = Craftman
- Charpentier = Carpenter
- Ebéniste = Woodworker
- Ravitailleur = Provisioner
- Equipeur = Outfitter
- Armurier = Armorer
- Fabricant d'armes = Weaponsmith
- Tailleur = Tailor
- T&T :
- Ornementeur/Transmuteur = Adorner/Transmuter
- Tinkerer
- Basic stats
To the bottom of all the class pages, you'll find the list of special recipes for this class (Kunark, Far Seas, Thurgadin...). The special faction recipes are, obviously, all faction items.
- Class Pages
- Armor and item Pages
- Common jewels, common rings and symbols
- Rare jewels, rare rings and symbols
- Special jewels (faction items)
- Woodworker weapons
- Woodworker totems
- Provisionner T9 recipes
- Armorer armours
- Tailor armours
- Tailor cloaks
- Tailor dolls
- Weaponsmith weapons
- Shields
- General melee weapons list
- General range weapons list
- Battleground armours
- Tinkering doohickeys part 1 and part 2
- Spell list for all classes (you'll want the big links with html)
- Totally unrelated stuff: Beastlord guide.
- Special faction Recipes
Note: the adorn table can be found here, but I would recommend using the Adorn Calculator published by Dethdlr on EQ2Wire.