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If you own the Age of Discovery expansion, you can create a Beastlord.

Beastlords are a hybrid scout type working with an animal pet names warder. They use mail armor, brawler weapons and scout raws for spells. They can use ranged weapons but neither bows nor poisons.

You can copy-paste my in-game FAQ in an ingame notebook from this page (right click and save as, open the file, open a notebook ingame, copy all, paste all, add title and voilà)

Warders: types and taming

Starting warder

Each race starts with a different warder. Starting warders are (compiled by Eveningsong):


Taming a warder

At level 10, BL can start taming new warders. To tame a warder you'll need to:

This allows you to gain access to a new family of Warder. If you already have a warder of this family, you'll just update the appearance of your warder


Warder Families

There are 16 families : 12 normal and 4 exotic. The 12 normal can be tamed at level 10 if you find the right mob. Exotic families are unknown.
Pets are either offensive or defensive types. Here is the list compiled by Niami.

You'll find an exhaustive list of all warders appearances on EQ2 Wire.

You can name your pet by doing right-click and pet options on it.

Exotic warders can be tamed when using the AA "tame exotic warder". Exotic warders found so far are (thanks to Solisnight for the list):

Summon Warder: Dire (offensive)

Summon Warder: Enchanted (offensive)

Summon Warder: Drake (offensive)

Summon Warder: Mystical (Defensive)


The CE Warboar is a unique appearance but it uses existing abilities and progression. The benefit is that you get an extra warder, and can have the same warder with two specs.


Pet AA and Affinity

You can see the stats of your pet on your personna window, in a new window called "pet". A drop down to the top right allows you to select the type of pet. You'll see there the name of the pet (defined in "pet options") and the family of the pet. The current appearance of the pet shows in the window.

Above the pet appearance is a bar, which shows your affinity. Levelling your affinity allows you to reach the grandmaster rank for this pet family. This becomes available only at level 30+
Affinity is levelled through fighting with your pet.
Below the pet image, you'll see the spell icons of this family of warder.
When you click "stats" while on warder window, it'll open the warder stats.

Note: for those not familiar with the pet bar, the green is health, blue is power and yellow is threat.

You can also gain AA for your pet. Those AA are located in a new AA tab, to the right of all AA tabs. A drop down allows you to select the family.
You gain one AA every 2 levels from 22 to 90. It doesn't use your own AA pool. When you get one point, you can put one point in each warder tab, you don't have to choose a couple warders to go with only.

Those AA allows you to modify the skills of your pet. You'll find a raw list below. actual damages and buff vary with pet affinity.

Pet skills

When your pet reachs grandmaster level, you'll gain a new level 30 Primal Ability. Those abilities are not using the same primal slot. Here is the list:

You can use the primal with any warder active, not specifically the one who gave it to you.

Noxious Grasp AMPHIBIAN - Feral Primal : uses 50 savagery, direct poison damage, teleport target to you. Varies with savagery and feral rampage level.
Silent Talon AVIAN - Feral Primal : uses 50 savagery, must be in stealth, direct piercing damage+ piercing dot. Varies with savagery and feral rampage level.
Sonic Screech BAT - Feral Primal : uses 50 savagery, must be in stealth, direct piercing AoE damage. Varies with savagery and feral rampage level.
Savage Ravaging CANINE - Feral Primal : uses 50 savagery, must be flanking or behind, direct piercing damage. Varies with savagery and feral rampage level.
Shadow Leap FELINE - Feral Primal 1: uses 50 savagery, must be in stealth, direct melee damage. Varies with savagery and feral rampage level.
Venom Fangs REPTILE - Feral Primal 2: uses 50 savagery, must be flanking or behind, direct piercing damage, multi-attack self buff. Varies with savagery and feral rampage level.
Brutal Beatdown DIRE - Feral Primal : uses 25 savagery - savagery level 4 required, direct crushing damage. Varies with savagery and feral rampage level.
Draconic Breath DRAKE - Feral Primal : uses 25 savagery - savagery level 4 required, direct AoE heat damage. Varies with savagery and feral rampage level.
Courageous Scarring AQUATIC - Spiritual Primal 3: uses 50 savagery, direct melee group damage, group mitigation buff. Varies with savagery and spirituality level.
Ferocious Roar BEAR - Spiritual Primal 2: uses 50 savagery, weapon damage bonus group buff. Varies with savagery and spirituality level.
Wild Goring BOAR - Spiritual Primal 3: uses 50 savagery, melee group damage, multi-attack group buff. Varies with savagery and spirituality level.
Energizing Assault BOVID - Spiritual Primal 1: uses 50 savagery, direct melee group damage, group power regen. Varies with savagery and spirituality level.
Rapid Flurry RODENT - Spiritual Primal : uses 50 savagery, direct melee group damage, group attack speed buff. Varies with savagery and spirituality level.
Grinning Onslaught SIMIAN - Spiritual Primal : uses 50 savagery, direct melee group damage, reduces power cost of abilities group buff. Varies with savagery and spirituality level.
Enchanted Barrier ENCHANTED - Spiritual Primal : uses 50 savagery - savagery level 4 required, reduced damage recieved by the group, group power regen. Varies with savagery and spirituality level.
Astral Soulsiphon MYSTICAL - Spiritual Primal : uses 50 savagery - savagery level 4 required, direct melee group damage, group power regen. Varies with savagery and spirituality level.


Beastlord bar

Making the bar show

There is a special hotkey bar for BL. Typing /togglebeastlordwindow will make it show (you may want to make a macro with that somewhere).
There is a regular window that cannot be modified and a minimized window with less fluff that can be resized (right-click and maximize/minimize). You can set a key to toggle the window in options (no default key)

BL bar as seen below has been splited in two parts, the "abilities" part below, and the savagery bar above.
To toggle your savagery bar, type /togglesavagerywindow .


What it represents

Bottom bar is the BL window.

The bar above is for showing "savagery".

To set an ability in a square, right-click the square (starting from the left) and the ability you can put in it will show just above the square. Click it and voilà, your ability is in place. You can also drag and drop them from the knowledge book but you'll have to find the right spot to drop them in. Each square will, in the end, have several abilities that an go in it (it's a family of abilities)

Your warders work in the same way. A warder family icon on your regular hotkeys can be right-clicked to show a drop down of all the families you tamed.


Beastlord special abilities

Weakness and Advantages

At level 18, you'll be able to start using advantages. To use an advantage, you need to be using a stance (feral stance at 18, spritual stance at 30).
When you're fighting a mob with your pet, a blue paw will flash on your screen (you can move the paw in a corner while it shows).

This blue paw is telling you that your warder spotted a weakness in the mob and that you can use an advantage on it.

So, your blue paw is active, what to do? click an "advantage". Those are the buttons on the left size of the bar. Some are temporary buffs, other are direct damages or dots. You'll have to be close to the mob to use some of them.
Advantages currently share the same reuse timer (0.5s)

Savagery and Primal Tactics

At level 20, you'll gain the ability to use Primal Tactics. Those are combination of moves you do with your pet, and show in the right side of the BL bar.

When you use an advantage, the bar above those will start to fill in red. This is your savagery gain. Your advantages will up the bar by 20%, but the savagery decays over time. Some AA allow you to lessen the decay.
When your not in combat or switch stances, the savagery will decay faster.

You can raise your savagery up to 500% (bar is 100%, each time the bar fills up, you'll gain a point in savagery (shown in the blue dot above). When your bar is filled up, you can use one of the primal tactics that are to the right of the bar. Your primal tactics don't all use the same % of savagery.

So in short, while in combat:

At level 30, you'll get another stance named "Spiritual stance" which brings in a whole new set of advantages and primals.


Beastlords by level

The beastlords change a lot with the level, so I'll put here at what level one gets new stuff.


Beastlord Quests

Some quests are specific to Beastlords. They'll reward you with specialization points and give you beastlord lore.


Beastlords trainers

Beastlords trainers are selling fluff spells but also an usefull one, "Singular Focus" which will prevent your auto-attacks to hit several targets.


You'll be able to see Beastlord skills in the skill and spell list here.