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Les recettes d'ébéniste de Reign of Shadows sont niveau 120. Il y a trois livres communs (Acrylia Woodworker's Primer Volume I, II, III) et trois livres avancés (Shadowscream Woodworker Studies I, II, III)

Les recettes communes utilisent : 10 hornbeam spruce log, 2 hardened zelniak pelt, 2 slow creeping root, 2 luclizite cluster, 20 coruscating coal (100 golds). Les munitions communes utilisent : 2 luclizite cluster/hornbeam spruce log, 2 slow creeping root, 2 hornbeam spruce log, 2 radiant algae, 15 coruscating coal (75 golds pour 500 munitions)
Les recettes rares utilisent : 2 Wracked Wood Wedge, 10 hornbeam spruce log, 10 hardened zelniak pelt, 1 pattern du slot et 50 coruscating coal (250 golds). Les munitions rares utilisent : 1 Primal Luclizite Shard/Wracked Wood Wedge, 10 slow creeping root, 10 hornbeam spruce log, 1 weapon catalyst, 30 coruscating coal (5 platines 150 golds pour 50 munitions)
Ces quantités sont doublées pour les armes à deux main.

type Arc Arbalète Bâton Gourdin Baguette Rondache Pavois
Handcrafted Acrylia Bow of Force
Acrylia Bow of Fortitude
Acrylia Bow of Frenzy
Acrylia Crossbow of Force
Acrylia Crossbow of Fortitude
Acrylia Crossbow of Frenzy
Acrylia Quarterstaff of Force
Acrylia Quarterstaff of Fortitude
Acrylia Quarterstaff of Frenzy
Acrylia Club of Force
Acrylia Club of Fortitude
Acrylia Club of Frenzy
Acrylia Wand of Force
Acrylia Wand of Fortitude
Acrylia Wand of Frenzy
Acrylia Buckler of Force
Acrylia Buckler of Fortitude
Acrylia Buckler of Frenzy
Acrylia Tower of Force
Acrylia Tower of Fortitude
Acrylia Tower of Frenzy
Mastercrafted Shadowscream Bow of Force
Shadowscream Bow of Fortitude
Shadowscream Bow of Frenzy
Shadowscream Crossbow of Force
Shadowscream Crossbow of Fortitude
Shadowscream Crossbow of Frenzy
Shadowscream Quarterstaff of Force
Shadowscream Quarterstaff of Fortitude
Shadowscream Quarterstaff of Frenzy
Shadowscream Club of Force
Shadowscream Club of Fortitude
Shadowscream Club of Frenzy
Shadowscream Wand of Force
Shadowscream Wand of Fortitude
Shadowscream Wand of Frenzy
Shadowscream Buckler of Force
Shadowscream Buckler of Fortitude
Shadowscream Buckler of Frenzy
Shadowscream Tower of Force
Shadowscream Tower of Fortitude
Shadowscream Tower of Frenzy

Les munitions rares existent en 8 versions différentes en plus de la version normale : Diseased (maladie), Divine (divin), Enflamed (chaleur), Frozen (froid), Poisoned (poison), Psychic (mental), Void (magie). Les dégâts sont toujours les mêmes, le type de dégâts varie d'un type à l'autre.

type Flèches Carreaux Armes de Jet
Handcrafted Acrylia Bodkin Arrow
Acrylia Broadhead Arrow
Acrylia Rounded Arrow
Acrylia Broadhead Crossbow Bolt
Acrylia Flight Crossbow Bolt
Acrylia Shuriken
Acrylia Throwing Axe
Acrylia Throwing Dagger
Acrylia Throwing Hammer
Mastercrafted Shadowscream Bodkin Arrow
Shadowscream Broadhead Arrow
Shadowscream Rounded Arrow
Shadowscream Broadhead Crossbow Bolt
Shadowscream Flight Crossbow Bolt
Shadowscream Shuriken
Shadowscream Throwing Axe
Shadowscream Throwing Dagger
Shadowscream Throwing Hammer


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