Spell Name Old Spell Name Level Description Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster French Translation Old Translation Remplacements
Tracking Tracking 1 Shows nearby targets and gives a waypoint to a selected one.             Pister Pister N/A
Shroud Shroud 1 Stealth.             Voile Voile N/A
Sandra's Deafening Strike Deafening Strike 1 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra Frappe Assourdissante  8
Night Strike Night Blade 2 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne Lame nocturne 9
Raxxyl's Rousing Tune Raxxyl's Fortitude Song 2 Str/sta group buff.             Air Vibrant de Raxxyl Chanson de fortitude de Raxxyl 10
Song of Magic Magical Boon 3 Casting skills + focus group buff.             Chanson de Magie Bénédiction magique 17
Perfect Shrill Shrill 3 Direct mental damage.             Violence Parfaite Violence 12
Cheap Shot Cheap Shot 4 2 second stun that lasts for an additional 2 seconds on no- or down-arrow mobs.             Coup Bas Coup Bas N/A
Pathfinding Pathfinding 4 16% out of combat group movement speed buff.             Orientation Orientation N/A
Dancing Blade Brilliant Blade 5 Flank/rear melee damage attack + debuff vs. all magical damage.             Lame Dansante Lame Brillante 19
Lucky Break Lucky Break 5 Heroic Opportunity starter.             Coup de Veine Interruption Chanceuse N/A
Evade Evade 6 Single target threat decrease.             Esquiver Esquiver 18
Depressing Chant Sybil's Slowing Chant 7 Single target mental debuff + snare.             Chant Déprimant Chant ralentissant de Sybil 23
Sandra's Deafening Strike II Deafening Blade 8 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra II Lame Assourdissante 1/15
Vexing Verses Lore's Shuddering Song 8 Defense debuff + reactive health and power drain when target uses power.             Couplets Vexants Chanson Vibrante de Lore 22
Night Strike II Midnight Blade 9 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne II Lame de Minuit 2/21
Raxxyl's Rousing Tune II Raxxyl's Rousing Tune* 10 Str/sta group buff.             Air Vibrant de Raxxyl II Air Vibrant de Rassyl 2/24
Ceremonial Blade Sparkling Blade 11 Double mental damage attack.             Lame Cérémoniale Lame Etincellante 25
Perfect Shrill II Piercing Shrill  12 Direct mental damage.             Violence Parfaite II Cri perçant 3/26
Bria's Inspiring Ballad Bria's Stirring Ballad 13 In combat group power regen.             Ballade Inspirante de Bria Ballade Emouvante de Bria 27
Daelis' Dance of Blades Performer's Talent 13 Agi/int self buff + proc for mental damage when taking damage.             Danse des Lames selon Daeli Talent d'Interprète 27
Selo's Accelerando Selo's Accelerando 13 Out of combat group movement speed buff.             Accelerando de Selo Accelerando de Selo 27
Allegretto Merciless Melody  14 Group atk speed buff.             Allegretto Mélodie implacable 28
Painful Lamentations Alin's Keening Lamentation 15 Encounter AE mental damage + interrupt.             Lamentations Douloureuses Lamentation déchirante d'Alin 29
Sandra's Deafening Strike III Deafening Thrust 15 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra III Poussée Assourdissante 8/29
Singing Shot Singing Shot 16 Double ranged mental damage attack + brief stifle.             Tir Bourdonnant Tir Bourdonnant 30
Song of Magic II Minstrel's Luck 17 Casting skills + focus group buff.             Chanson de Magie II Chant du Ménestrel 3/31
Evade II Divert 18 Single target threat decrease.             Esquiver II Dévier 6/32
Graceful Avoidance Insatiable Ardor 18 Group defense buff.             Évitement Gracieux Ardeur Insatiable 32
Disheartening Descant Reproaching Discante 19 Encounter AE str/agi debuff.             Discante Ecœurante Discante Réprouvante 33
Dancing Blade II Taffo's Brilliant Blade 19 Flank/rear melee damage attack + debuff vs. all magical damage.             Lame Dansante II Lame Brillante de Taffo 5/33
Arcane Symphony Arcane Chorus 20 Group arcane mit buff.             Symphonie Ésotérique Refrain Ésotérique 34
Bria's Entrancing Sonnet Bria's Entrancing Sonnet 20 Charms target briefly. Can use full pet commands.             Sonnet Enchanteur de Bria Sonnet Enchanteur de Bria 34
Rousing Celebration *  Rousing Celebration *  20 Casts fountain of light effect on self or ally.             Célébration vibrante Célébration vibrante N/A
Trick of the Hunter  Trick of the Hunter  20 SLOW ROOT - Slow or Roots your target in place (Splitpaw)             Fourberie du Chasseur Fourberie du Chasseur N/A
Night Strike III Luckblade 21 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne III Lame Chanceuse 9/35
Aria of Magic Aria of Excitement  22 Group buff that procs for mental damage on successful hostile spell.             Aria de Magie Aria d'excitation 36
Vexing Verses II Lore's Snapping Sonnet  22 Defense debuff + reactive health and power drain when target uses power.             Couplets Vexants II Sonnet cassant de Lore 8/36
Depressing Chant II Sybil's Shuddering Sonnet 23 Single target mental debuff + snare.             Chant Déprimant II Sonnet vibrant de Sybil 7/37
Alin's Serene Serenade Alin's Soothing Serenade 24 Group threat decrease buff + reactive threat decrease. (Doesn't affect fighters.)             Sérénade Sereine d'Alin Sérénade Apaisante d'Alin 38
Raxxyl's Rousing Tune III Raxxyl's Energizing Harmony  24 Str/sta group buff.             Air Vibrant de Raxxyl III Harmonie de stimulation de Raxxyl 10/38
Escape Escape 25 Teleport group to safe location.             Echapper Echapper N/A
Ceremonial Blade II Fulgent Blade 25 Double mental damage attack.             Lame Cérémoniale II Lame rayonnante 11/39
Perfect Shrill III Dissenting Cantata 26 Direct mental damage.             Violence Parfaite III Cantate dissidente 12/40
Thunderous Overture Eli's Thunderous Hymn 26 Short range direct mental damage.             Ouverture Tonitruante Hymne Tonitruant d'Eli 40
Bria's Inspiring Ballad II Bria's Thrilling Ballad 27 In combat group power regen.             Ballade Inspirante de Bria II Ballade Saisissante de Bria 13/41
Daelis' Dance of Blades II Elise's Ditty 27 Agi/int self buff + proc for mental damage when taking damage.             Danse des Lames selon Daeli II Chansonnette d'Elise 13/41
Selo's Accelerando II Selo's Rhythm of Speed 27 Out of combat group movement speed buff.             Accelerando de Selo II Rythme de Vitesse de Selo 13/41
Allegretto II Gerard's Resonant Sonata 28 Group atk speed buff.             Allegretto II Sonnet Retentissant de Gérard 14/42
Tap Essence Swindle Essence 28 Single target mental damage + small power replenishment.             Ponction d'Essence Essence d'Escroquerie 42
Painful Lamentations II Alin's Melodic Refrain 29 Encounter AE mental damage + interrupt.             Lamentations Douloureuses II Refrain Mélodique d'Alin 15/43
Sandra's Deafening Strike IV Sandra's Deafening Strike 29 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra IV Coup assourdissant selon Sandra 15/43
Singing Shot II Deafening Missile 30 Double ranged mental damage attack + brief stifle.             Tir Bourdonnant II Missile assourdissant  16/44
Rejuvenating Celebration Quiron's Joyous Celebration 30 In combat group health regen.             Célébration Rajeunissante Célébration Joyeuse de Quiron 44
Song of Magic III Minstrel's Fortune  31 Casting skills + focus group buff.             Chanson de Magie III Fortune du Ménestrel 17/45
Graceful Avoidance II Daelor's Luminary Ballad  32 Group defense buff.             Évitement Gracieux II Ballade luminescente de Daelor 18/46
Chaos Anthem Kian's Destructive Anthem  32 Encounter AE mental DOT + wis debuff.             Hymne du Chaos Motet destructif de Kian 46
Evade III Slip 32 Single target threat decrease.             Esquiver III Glisser 18/46
Disheartening Descant II Discouraging Discante 33 Encounter AE str/agi debuff.             Discante Ecœurante II Discante Décourageante 19/47
Dancing Blade III Walt's Thirsting Thrust  33 Flank/rear melee damage attack + debuff vs. all magical damage.             Lame Dansante III Poussée assoiffante de Walt 19/47
Arcane Symphony II Arcane Symphony 34 Group arcane mit buff.             Symphonie Ésotérique II Symphonie Ésotérique 20/48
Bria's Entrancing Sonnet II Bria's Charming Sonnet 34 Charms target briefly. Can use full pet commands.             Sonnet Enchanteur de Bria II Sonnet Charmant de Bria 20/48
Night Strike IV Clara's Midnight Cadence 35 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne IV Cadence de minuit de Clara 21/49
Zander's Choral Rebuff** Zander's Choral Rebuff** 35 Encounter AE debuff vs. all magical damage.             Rebuffade chorale de Zander Rebuffade chorale de Zander 53
Dreadfang Dreadfang 35 DOT - This ability grants the scout a chance to deal melee damage over time to VAMPIRE opponents. Stun (Bloodline)             Croc Effroyable Croc Effroyable N/A
Thirsting Veil Thirsting Veil 35 LIFE TAP - Buff on self that has a chance to cast a life tap on a VAMPIRE opponent (Bloodline - Brethren faction)             Voile Assoiffant Voile Assoiffant N/A
Aria of Magic II Aria of Inspiration 36 Group buff that procs for mental damage on successful hostile spell.             Aria de Magie II Aria d'Inspiration 22/50
Vexing Verses III Lore's Lurching Limerick 36 Defense debuff + reactive health and power drain when target uses power.             Couplets Vexants III Limerick titubant de Lore 22/50
Depressing Chant III Guviena's Disparate Chant 37 Single target mental debuff + snare.             Chant Déprimant III Chant disparate de Guviena 23/51
Alin's Serene Serenade II Alin's Calming Serenade 38 Group threat decrease buff + reactive threat decrease. (Doesn't affect fighters.)             Sérénade Sereine d'Alin II Sérénade Calmante d'Alin 24/52
Raxxyl's Rousing Tune IV Raxxyl's Vivacious Descant 38 Str/sta group buff.             Air Vibrant de Raxxyl IV Discante vivace de Raxxyl 24/52
Ceremonial Blade III Elegant Blade 39 Double mental damage attack.             Lame Cérémoniale III Lame élégante 25/53
Breathtaking Bellow Breathtaking Bellow 40 Encounter AE + chance for knockdown.             Mugissement Epoustouflant Mugissement Epoustouflant 54
Disguise: High Elf Disguise: High Elf 40 Self High Elf illusion.             Déguisement : haut-elfe Déguisement : haut-elfe N/A
Thunderous Overture II Eli's Thunderous Anthem 40 Short range direct mental damage.             Ouverture Tonitruante II Motet tonitruant d'Eli 40/54
Perfect Shrill IV Exquisite Shrill 40 Direct mental damage.             Violence Parfaite IV Violence exquise 26/54
Bria's Inspiring Ballad III Bria's Exalting Ballad  41 In combat group power regen.             Ballade Inspirante de Bria III Ballade exaltante de Bria 27/55
Daelis' Dance of Blades III Daelis' Dance of Blades 41 Agi/int self buff + proc for mental damage when taking damage.             Danse des Lames selon Daeli III Danse des Lames selon Daeli 27/55
Selo's Accelerando III Selo's Accelerating Chorus 41 Out of combat group movement speed buff.             Accelerando de Selo III Refrain Accélérant de Selo 27/55
Allegretto III Invigorating Opus  42 Group atk speed buff.             Allegretto III Opus ravigorant 28/56
Tap Essence II Purloin Essence 42 Single target mental damage + small power replenishment.             Ponction d'Essence II Dérober Essence 28/56
Painful Lamentations III Alin's Coruscating Concord 43 Encounter AE mental damage + interrupt.             Lamentations Douloureuses III Harmonie scintillante d'Alin 29/57
Sandra's Deafening Strike V Sandra's Befuddling Incursion  43 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra V Incursion troublante de Sandra 29/57
Elemental Concerto Elemental Chorus 44 Group elemental mit buff.             Concerto Elemental Refrain Elemental 58
Singing Shot III Guviena's Osmotic Ovation 44 Double ranged mental damage attack + brief stifle.             Tir Bourdonnant III Ovation Osmotique de Gunevia 30/58
Rejuvenating Celebration II Quiron's Ecstatic Celebration 44 In combat group health regen.             Célébration Rajeunissante II Célébration extatique de Quiron 30/58
Song of Magic IV Swan Song 45 Casting skills + focus group buff.             Chanson de Magie IV Chant du cygne 31/59
Evade IV Evasion 46 Single target threat decrease.             Esquiver IV Evasion 32/60
Graceful Avoidance III Graceful Avoidance 46 Group defense buff.             Évitement Gracieux III Évitement gracieux 32/60
Chaos Anthem II Kian's Devastating Anthem 46 Encounter AE mental DOT + wis debuff.             Hymne du Chaos II Motet Dévastateur de Kian 32/60
Disheartening Descant III Oppressive Discante 47 Encounter AE str/agi debuff.             Discante Ecœurante III Discante Oppressive 33/61
Dancing Blade IV Taffo's Dazzling Ditty 47 Flank/rear melee damage attack + debuff vs. all magical damage.             Lame Dansante IV Chansonnette éblouissante de Taffo 33/61
Arcane Symphony III Arcane Concerto  48 Group arcane mit buff.             Symphonie Ésotérique III Concerto Esotérique 34/62
Bria's Entrancing Sonnet III Bria's Rapturing Sonnet 48 Charms target briefly. Can use full pet commands.             Sonnet Enchanteur de Bria III Sonnet Intense de Bria 34/62
Night Strike V Startling Shriek 49 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne V Cri surprenant 35/63
Aria of Magic III Aria of Exaltation  50 Group buff that procs for mental damage on successful hostile spell.             Aria de Magie III Aria d'exaltation 36/64
Brusco's Flavorful Aura  Brusco's Flavorful Aura  50 Casts shimmering, pulsing aura on self.             Aura goûteuse de Brusco Aura goûteuse de Brusco N/A
Vexing Verses IV Lore's Magniloquent Roust 50 Defense debuff + reactive health and power drain when target uses power.             Couplets Vexants IV Expulsion grandiloquente de Lore 36/64
Lullaby Lullaby 50 Single target mez.             Berceuse Berceuse 70
Depressing Chant IV Guviena's Slothful Chant 51 Single target mental debuff + snare.             Chant Déprimant IV Chant Paresseux de Guviena 37/65
Alin's Serene Serenade III Alin's Tranquil Serenade 52 Group threat decrease buff + reactive threat decrease. (Doesn't affect fighters.)             Sérénade Sereine d'Alin III Sérénade Tranquille d'Alin 38/66
Raxxyl's Rousing Tune V Raxxyl's Brash Descant  52 Str/sta group buff.             Air Vibrant de Raxxyl V Discante Exubérante de Raxxyl 38/66
Requiem of Reflection*** Requiem of Reflection*** 52 Group buff granting chance, when damaged by a spell, to cast a 30 second individual buff that reflects one spell associated with a player class or absorbs one spell unique to NPCs.             Requiem de Réflexion Requiem de Réflexion N/A
Ceremonial Blade IV Courtly Blade 53 Double mental damage attack.             Lame Cérémoniale IV Lame Majestueuse 39/67
Zander's Choral Rebuff II Magic Rebuff 53 Encounter AE debuff vs. all magical damage.             Rebuffade chorale de Zander II Rebuffade magique 35/71
Breathtaking Bellow II Awesome Bellow 54 Encounter AE + chance for knockdown.             Mugissement Epoustouflant II Beuglement Impressionnant 40/68
Thunderous Overture III Eli's Thunderous Chorus 54 Short range direct mental damage.             Ouverture Tonitruante III Refrain Tonitruant d'Eli 40/68
Perfect Shrill V Flawless Shrill  54 Direct mental damage.             Violence Parfaite V Cri Parfait 40/68
Bria's Inspiring Ballad IV Bria's Glorifying Ballad 55 In combat group power regen.             Ballade Inspirante de Bria IV Ballade Glorifiante de Bria 41/69
Daelis' Dance of Blades IV Daelis' Jig of Blades 55 Agi/int self buff + proc for mental damage when taking damage.             Danse des Lames selon Daeli IV Gigue des Lames selon Daeli 41/69
Demoralizing Processional*** Demoralizing Processional*** 55 Encounter AE debuff vs. all casting and melee skills.             Hymne Processionnel Démoralisant Hymne Processionnel Démoralisant 74
Selo's Accelerando IV Selo's Speed of Sound 55 Out of combat group movement speed buff.             Accelerando de Selo IV Vitesse du Son de Selo 41/
Allegretto IV Exhilirating Opus 56 Group atk speed buff.             Allegretto IV Opus Vivifiant 42/70
Tap Essence III Pilfer Essence 56 Single target mental damage + small power replenishment.             Ponction d'Essence III Chaparder Essence 42/70
Painful Lamentations IV Alin's Incandescent Concord 57 Encounter AE mental damage + interrupt.             Lamentations Douloureuses IV Concorde Incandescente d'Alin 43/71
Sandra's Deafening Strike VI Sandra's Bewildering Incursion 57 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra VI Incursion Déconcertante de Sandra 43/71
Elemental Concerto II Elemental Concerto 58 Group elemental mit buff.             Concerto Elemental II Concerto Elemental 44/72
Singing Shot IV Guviena's Overpowering Ovation 58 Double ranged mental damage attack + brief stifle.             Tir Bourdonnant IV Ovation Surpuissante de Guviena 44/71
Perfection of the Maestro*** Precision of the Maestro*** 58 Brief group buff granting extra int and mental damage with each successful hostile spell.             Perfection du Maestro Précision du Maestro 76
Rejuvenating Celebration III Quiron's Blissful Celebration 58 In combat group health regen.             Célébration Rajeunissante III Célébration Heureuse de Quiron 44/72
Song of Magic V Dove Song 59 Casting skills + focus group buff.             Chanson de Magie V Chant de la Colombe 45/72
Graceful Avoidance IV Balletic Avoidance 60 Group defense buff.             Évitement Gracieux IV Ballet d'Évitement 46/73
Evade V Elude 60 Single target threat decrease.             Esquiver V Se Dérober 46/73
Chaos Anthem III Kian's Catastrophic Anthem  60 Encounter AE mental DOT + wis debuff.             Hymne du Chaos III Motet Catastrophique de Kian 46/73
Dancing Blade V Dancing Blade  61 Flank/rear melee damage attack + debuff vs. all magical damage.             Lame Dansante V Lame Dansante 47/74
Disheartening Descant IV Disheartening Discante 61 Encounter AE str/agi debuff.             Discante Ecœurante IV Discante Ecœurante 47/73
Arcane Symphony IV Arcane Dissertation  62 Group arcane mit buff.             Symphonie Ésotérique IV Dissertation Esotérique 48/74
Bria's Entrancing Sonnet IV Bria's Infatuating Sonnet 62 Charms target briefly. Can use full pet commands.             Sonnet Enchanteur de Bria IV Sonnet Infatuant de Bria 48/74
Night Strike VI Clara's Midnight Tempo 63 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne VI Tempo de Minuit de Clara 49/75
Aria of Magic IV Aria of Acclamation 64 Group buff that procs for mental damage on successful hostile spell.             Aria de Magie IV Aria d'Acclamation 50/75
Vexing Verses V Lore's Euphuistic Romp 64 Defense debuff + reactive health and power drain when target uses power.             Couplets Vexants V Ébats Précieux de Lore 50/75
Depressing Chant V Guviena's Apathetic Chant 65 Single target mental debuff + snare.             Chant Déprimant V Chant Apathique de Guviena 51/76
Jester's Cap*** Jester's Cap*** 65 Short buff on ally that reduces their recast timers. Cannot be recast on them for a few minutes afterwards.             Toque du Bouffon Toque du Bouffon N/A
Scroll of Fire Seeds Scroll of Fire Seeds 65 Scroll made by sages, that has ten uses and deals massive direct heat damages and damage over time (Emerald Halls Recipe, mastercrafted)             Parchemin de Graines de Feu Parchemin de Graines de Feu N/A
Alin's Serene Serenade IV Alin's Serene Serenade 66 Group threat decrease buff + reactive threat decrease. (Doesn't affect fighters.)             Sérénade Sereine d'Alin IV Sérénade Sereine d'Alin 52/
Raxxyl's Rousing Tune VI Raxxyl's Brazen Descant 66 Str/sta group buff.             Air Vibrant de Raxxyl VI Discante Impudente de Raxxyl 52/77
Ceremonial Blade V Noble Blade 67 Double mental damage attack.             Lame Cérémoniale V Lame Noble 53/76
Thunderous Overture IV Eli's Thunderous Drumming 68 Short range direct mental damage.             Ouverture Tonitruante IV Tambourinement Tonitruant d'Eli 54/78
Breathtaking Bellow III Mighty Bellow 68 Encounter AE + chance for knockdown.             Mugissement Epoustouflant III Beuglement Puissant 54/
Perfect Shrill VI Perfect Shrill 68 Direct mental damage.             Violence Parfaite VI Violence Parfaite 54/78
Bria's Inspiring Ballad V Bria's Inspiring Ballad 69 In combat group power regen.             Ballade Inspirante de Bria V Ballade Inspirante de Bria 55/79
Daelis' Dance of Blades V Daelis' Frolicking of Blades 69 Agi/int self buff + proc for mental damage when taking damage.             Danse des Lames selon Daeli V Gambade des Lames de Daeli 55/79
Lullaby II Reverie *** 70 Single target mez.             Berceuse II Rêverie 50/80
Allegretto V Rousing Opus 70 Group atk speed buff.             Allegretto V Opus Vibrant 56/80
Tap Essence IV Steal Essence 70 Single target mental damage + small power replenishment.             Ponction d'Essence IV Voler l'essence 56/80
Zander's Choral Rebuff III Spell Rebuff 71  Encounter AE debuff vs. all magical damage.             Rebuffade chorale de Zander III Rebuffade de Sort 53/81
Sandra's Deafening Strike VII Draining Incursion 71 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra VII Incursion Drainante 57/81
Painful Lamentations V Painful Lamentations 71 Encounter AE mental damage + interrupt.             Lamentations Douloureuses V Lamentations Douloureuses 57/81
Singing Shot V Stifling Missle 71 Double ranged mental damage attack + brief stifle.             Tir Bourdonnant V Missile Etouffant 58/81
Elemental Concerto III Elemental Tempo 72 Group elemental mit buff.             Concerto Elemental III Tempo Elemental 58/82
Rejuvenating Celebration IV Rejuvinating Celebration 72 In combat group health regen.             Célébration Rajeunissante IV Célébration Rajeunissante 58/82
Song of Magic VI Song of Magic 72 Casting skills + focus group buff.             Chanson de Magie VI Chanson de Magie 59/82
Evade VI Baffle 73 Single target threat decrease.             Esquiver VI Déstabiliser 60/83
Chaos Anthem IV Chaos Anthem 73 Encounter AE mental DOT + wis debuff.             Hymne du Chaos IV Hymne du Chaos 60/83
Disheartening Descant V Devigorating Discante 73 Encounter AE str/agi debuff.             Discante Ecœurante V Discante Débilitante 61/83
Graceful Avoidance V Performer Avoidance 73 Group defense buff.             Évitement Gracieux V Evitement de l'Artiste 60/83
Arcane Symphony V Arcane Tempo 74 Group arcane mit buff.             Symphonie Ésotérique V Tempo Esotérique 62/84
Dancing Blade VI Bright Blade 74 Flank/rear melee damage attack + debuff vs. all magical damage.             Lame Dansante VI Lame Lumineuse 61/84
Demoralizing Processional II Dispirited Processional 74 Encounter AE debuff vs. all casting and melee skills.             Hymne Processionnel Démoralisant II Hymne Processionnel Démoralisé 55/84
Bria's Entrancing Sonnet V Sonnet 74 Charms target briefly. Can use full pet commands.             Sonnet Enchanteur de Bria V Sonnet 62/84
Aria of Magic V Aria of Magic 75 Group buff that procs for mental damage on successful hostile spell.             Aria de Magie V Aria de Magie 64/85
Night Strike VII Night Strike 75 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne VII Frappe Nocturne 63/85
Vexing Verses VI Vexing Verses 75 Defense debuff + reactive health and power drain when target uses power.             Couplets Vexants VI Couplets Vexants 64/85
Ceremonial Blade VI Ceremonial Blade 76 Double mental damage attack.             Lame Cérémoniale VI Lame Cérémoniale 67/86
Depressing Chant VI Depressing Chant 76 Single target mental debuff + snare.             Chant Déprimant VI Chant Déprimant 65/86
Perfection of the Maestro II Perfection of the Maestro 76 Brief group buff granting extra mental damage with each successful hostile spell. Troub is dazed and rooted for duration.             Perfection du Maestro II Perfection du Maestro 58/86
Raxxyl's Rousing Tune VII Fortifying Song 77 Str/sta group buff.             Air Vibrant de Raxxyl VII Chanson Fortifiante 66/87
Perfect Shrill VII Reverberating Shrill 78 Direct mental damage.             Violence Parfaite VII Cri Résonnant 68/88
Thunderous Overture V Thunderous Overture 78 Short range direct mental damage.             Ouverture Tonitruante V Ouverture Tonitruante 68/88
Daelis' Dance of Blades VI March of Blades 79 Agi/int self buff + proc for mental damage when taking damage.             Danse des Lames selon Daeli VI Marche des Lames 69/89
Bria's Inspiring Ballad VI Power Ballad 79 In combat group power regen.             Ballade Inspirante de Bria VI Ballade Entraînante 69/89
Allegretto VI Allegretto 80 Group atk speed buff.             Allegretto VI Allegretto 70/90
Tap Essence V Tap Essence 80 Single target mental damage + small power replenishment.             Ponction d'Essence V Ponction d'Essence 70/90
Countersong Countersong 80 Short duration spell placed on enemy that reduces the damage of their next spell or combat art. Enemy is immune for a few mins after cast.             Contre-chant Contrechant N/A
Lullaby III Peaceful Meldoy 80 Single target mez.             Berceuse III Paisible mélodie 70/90
Zander's Choral Rebuff IV   81 Encounter AE debuff vs. all magical damage.             Rebuffade chorale de Zander IV   71/91
Sandra's Deafening Strike VIII   81 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra VIII   71/91
Painful Lamentations VI   81 Encounter AE mental damage + interrupt.             Lamentations Douloureuses VI   71/91
Singing Shot VI   81 Double ranged mental damage attack + brief stifle.             Tir Bourdonnant VI   71/91
Elemental Concerto IV   82 Group elemental mit buff.             Concerto Elemental IV   72/92
Rejuvenating Celebration V   82 In combat group health regen.             Célébration Rajeunissante V   72/92
Song of Magic VII   82 Casting skills + focus group buff.             Chanson de Magie VII   72/92
Evade VII   83 Single target threat decrease.             Esquiver VII   73/93
Chaos Anthem V   83 Encounter AE mental DOT + wis debuff.             Hymne du Chaos V   73/93
Disheartening Descant VI   83 Encounter AE str/agi debuff.             Discante Ecœurante VI   73/93
Graceful Avoidance VI   83 Group defense buff.             Évitement Gracieux VI   73/93
Arcane Symphony VI   84 Group arcane mit buff.             Symphonie Ésotérique VI   74/94
Dancing Blade VII   84 Flank/rear melee damage attack + debuff vs. all magical damage.             Lame Dansante VII   74/94
Demoralizing Processional III   84 Encounter AE debuff vs. all casting and melee skills.             Hymne Processionnel Démoralisant III   74/94
Bria's Entrancing Sonnet VI   84 Charms target briefly. Can use full pet commands.             Sonnet Enchanteur de Bria VI   74/94
Aria of Magic VI   85 Group buff that procs for mental damage on successful hostile spell.             Aria de Magie VI   75/95
Night Strike VIII   85 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne VIII   75/95
Vexing Verses VII   85 Defense debuff + reactive health and power drain when target uses power.             Couplets Vexants VII   75/95
Ceremonial Blade VII   86 Double mental damage attack.             Lame Cérémoniale VI   76/
Depressing Chant VII   86 Single target mental debuff + snare.             Chant Déprimant VII   76/
Perfection of the Maestro III   86 Brief group buff granting extra mental damage with each successful hostile spell. Troub is dazed and rooted for duration.             Perfection du Maestro III   76/
Raxxyl's Rousing Tune VIII   87 Str/sta group buff.             Air Vibrant de Raxxyl VIII   77/
Perfect Shrill VIII   88 Direct mental damage.             Violence Parfaite VIII   78/
Thunderous Overture VI   88 Short range direct mental damage.             Ouverture Tonitruante VI   78/
Daelis' Dance of Blades VII   89 Agi/int self buff + proc for mental damage when taking damage.             Danse des Lames selon Daeli VII   79/
Bria's Inspiring Ballad VII   89 In combat group power regen.             Ballade Inspirante de Bria VII   79/
Allegretto VII   90 Group atk speed buff.             Allegretto VII   80/
Tap Essence VI   90 Single target mental damage + small power replenishment.             Ponction d'Essence VI   80/
Lullaby IV   90 Single target mez.             Berceuse IV   80/
Zander's Choral Rebuff V   91 Encounter AE debuff vs. all magical damage.             Rebuffade chorale de Zander V   81/
Sandra's Deafening Strike IX   91 Mental damage attack + power drain.             Coup Assourdissant de Sandra IX   81/
Painful Lamentations VII   91 Encounter AE mental damage + interrupt.             Lamentations Douloureuses VII   81/
Singing Shot VII   91 Double ranged mental damage attack + brief stifle.             Tir Bourdonnant VII   81/
Elemental Concerto V   92 Group elemental mit buff.             Concerto Elemental V   82/
Rejuvenating Celebration VI   92 In combat group health regen.             Célébration Rajeunissante VI   82/
Song of Magic VIII   92 Casting skills + focus group buff.             Chanson de Magie VIII   82/
Evade VIII   93 Single target threat decrease.             Esquiver VIII   83/
Chaos Anthem VI   93 Encounter AE mental DOT + wis debuff.             Hymne du Chaos VI   83/
Disheartening Descant VII   93 Encounter AE str/agi debuff.             Discante Ecœurante VII   83/
Graceful Avoidance VII   93 Group defense buff.             Évitement Gracieux VII   83/
Arcane Symphony VII   94 Group arcane mit buff.             Symphonie Ésotérique VII   84/
Dancing Blade VIII   94 Flank/rear melee damage attack + debuff vs. all magical damage.             Lame Dansante VIII   84/
Demoralizing Processional IV   94 Encounter AE debuff vs. all casting and melee skills.             Hymne Processionnel Démoralisant IV   84/
Bria's Entrancing Sonnet VII   94 Charms target briefly. Can use full pet commands.             Sonnet Enchanteur de Bria VII   84/
Aria of Magic VII   95 Group buff that procs for mental damage on successful hostile spell.             Aria de Magie VII   85/
Night Strike IX   95 Stealth melee attack + int debuff.             Frappe Nocturne IX   85/
Vexing Verses VIII   95 Defense debuff + reactive health and power drain when target uses power.             Couplets Vexants VIII   85/
*Bold denotes a Grandmaster spell/skill choice. These are offered at levels 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 75 and 85
*Italics denotes a fun spell. These must be bought from the appropriate class trainer.
**Bloodlines special spell/skill. Drops within Bloodline instances, made as an Journeyman or Adept or purchased at Apprentice level after completing 3 of the Bloodlines quests.
***Ancient Teachings spell/skill. Only exists as Adept, Expert (player made) or Master (level 70 spell uses T7 ressources)